Every (Im)possible Journey Starts Somewhere

Professor Jeffrey Wilson began his impossible-possible journey of encouraging students by telling an inspirational story at the beginning of his lectures. He used the story to give hope and a sense that anything is achievable – even things society once believed to be impossible. It was a way to provide motivation and optimism when so many students studying sustainability topics face a barrage of goals that seem unattainable.  

What started as just one story turned into a mission. One man was willing to step up to that starting block without knowing what the race held in store. He dared to dream big and to imagine what could become possible. He envisioned the IMpossible project. It was a way to engage students by writing their own versions of impossible-possible stories, a way to spread optimism in the world, and a dream to raise funds for student scholarships.  

His race continues, and perhaps it is best to think of it as a marathon. But like a marathon, he does not run alone, and his passion has inspired others to join in the mission.  

Like so many impossible-possible stories, it took courage and endurance to make the dream a reality. In this story, it took the courage of one man to stand up and pledge his commitment to his students and to making the world a little bit less bleak by providing inspirational stories. It took endurance to carry the project forward and bring it to fruition.  

The takeaway: do not be afraid to dream big or to step up to that starting block. Do not count yourself out of the race before it has begun. It may take some time, or you may have to endure some challenges, but you can chase your dreams. You can make the impossible-possible.  




Making the Impossible Possible—The Back Story