Orchid Jo Orchid Jo

Cleveland Uterine Transplants

What science said would be impossible are just limits that people have imposed that one can choose not to be subject to, making the impossible possible

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Funmi Olomodosi Funmi Olomodosi

Breaking the Bias: A Celebration and a Call to Action

These inspiring women did not sit down and accept things as they were. They recognized they had the strength and determination to be catalysts for change: breaking through barriers, opening doors, and creating new possibilities for others.

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Funmi Olomodosi Funmi Olomodosi

Misty Copeland

Dedication to putting in the work is a cornerstone of success and achievement beyond beliefs.

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Alexander Cha Alexander Cha

Moving Mountains

Surmounting the limitations constructed within society is a matter of determination, courage, and commitment by those willing to take on the task.

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Funmi Olomodosi Funmi Olomodosi

The Mighty Monarch

A butterfly although so delicate can weather the strongest storms and travel immense distances, and through it all show tremendous strength and resilience.

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Funmi Olomodosi Funmi Olomodosi


The irony isn’t lost that as they left to discover a new world, they ended up rediscovering home.

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